Sunday, October 31, 2004

Blogger has weighed in on my disappearing template problems. Evidently, they're having difficulties in this area. My apologies to all the webring folks. I'm in the queue until things become more secure.

The Lion Brand Chenille arrived Wednesday or so, all 12 skeins, which I acquired at a substantial savings by purchasing on Ebay. At first, I was concerned that I'd received ersatz chenille and not the real Lion Brand product. (I have since put that worry to rest by buying a skein at Michael's and comparing the two.) My doubts arose because a 60 Minutes broadcast came back to haunt me, in particular a news segment that investigated Chinese-made ersatz products labelled as their designer equivalents, which are currently flooding Ebay. Perhaps I needn't have worried because Lion Brand is no designer product, but I think I may hesitate next time when I'm tempted to buy yarn that is shipped without manufacturer labels.

In any event, I'm thrilled with the chenille color (wine), which is a deep red with blue overtones. I can't wait to finish the Lopi pullover, so I can knit up the jacket.


At November 6, 2004 at 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judith, I've been lusting after the Muench Touch Me Chenille after I saw a scarf made with it in a book. I've found it online but it is $15 for 62 yards. I am waiting until my conscious no longer overrides my lust....

At October 15, 2005 at 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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