I came home from the gym exhausted and flopped on the couch with a cup of hot darjeeling once I put the groceries away. (I attribute the fatigue to my withdrawal from my customary Starbucks Tazo Chai Latte, which I usually consume after each workout. Not to go off on a tangent or anything, but I'm trying to save money. My three times a week habit has been costing me $40/month, and I thought, wouldn't the money be better spent on yarn and fabric?)
Back to the important stuff. I picked up the Fall issue of Knitter's Magazine and fell in love with the boxy velvet chenille cardigan featured toward the back of the issue. Boxy jackets and tops look great on me, and I really like the styling of the pattern. The pattern lists Lion Brand Thick & Quick Chenille as the yarn. Does anyone know how this chenille rates for quality, durability, colorfastness? Actually any thoughts you might have on your experience with it would be interesting. Are there other chenille brands that I should consider?
Madame DeFarge: Knitting for Desperate Times
A frantically busy writer redisovers the soothing power of yarn and needles in an era of war and militarism run amok.
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